Your submission will be deleted if you're pure software without a hardware/lab component, e.g. a software-only AI startup.
Select your valuation, not how much money you're raising.
An (optional) longform memo is a writeup that adds context beyond your deck, such as an in-depth Q&A or market summary. This is optional, and it is not expected.
Note: Only enter a URL. If you submit text, it won't submit.
Share a video of you explaining why you chose to pursue this idea above all others. Please do not share videos that are otherwise conference presentations or startup summaries. This is only to share your passion with us—not to read off a script.
Link to a video that's publicly accessible, e.g. YouTube, Loom, Vimeo, Dropbox (all have free options). This is optional, but submissions with video will be featured to investors.
Do not enter enter how you heard about us—only enter a referrer's name if you know them personally and they directly referred you to us.
Resubmit at most every 6 months—or your submission will be deleted.