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Our deep tech VCs will review your deck and individually reach out if they're interested.
We only consider startups we believe can be worth $1 billion+
Which means you have a path to hundreds of millions in revenue.
Resubmit at most every 6 months
If you resubmit more frequently than that, your submission will be deleted.
Leo Polovets
General Partner, Humba Ventures
Made my first investment into a company this week!
It's so awesome to see a ton of great deep tech founders and investors converging in one place.
April 16 2024
Ian Rountree
General Partner, Cantos Ventures
*checks latest YC cohort*:
7-8 hard tech co's
*checks latest Deep Checks cohort*:
43 qualified hard-tech startups.
March 29 2024
David Peterson
Partner, Angular Ventures
Another week, another stacked batch of startups coming through Deep Checks.
Truly some of the most exciting, highest signal companies I look at every week.
April 14 2024

Submit your deck

Every 14 days, we carefully review every deck. Our deep tech VCs review and individually reach out if they're interested. We have coverage across every sector we've encountered. Cancer drug discovery? Mineral mining sensors? Battlefield robots? Nuclear reactors? Nothing is too niche.
Max file size 10MB.

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Note: Only enter a URL. If you submit text, it won't submit.
Note: Only enter a URL. If you submit text, it won't submit.
We will send your deck link to an additional 25 or more respected deeptech VC partners that we invest alongside—to maximize your chances of getting an intro. They're reputable and have sizable funds; they include Union Square Ventures, Getty Capital, Initialized, 8VC, and First Round. We tell everyone to maintain strict confidentiality. We require this because if we only shared you with the investors whose faces are on this site, you likely wouldn't get enough intros for Deep Checks to be worth your time—given how many niches there are within deep tech and how much expertise we must cover. We exist to get you intros.
Resubmit at most every 6 months—or your submission will be deleted.
Thank you! Someone on the team will go through your materials. It can take up to 14 days.
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