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We review all decks biweekly. Interested VCs contact founders directly.

Our expertise spans the full spectrum of deep tech—cancer therapeutics, defense robotics, nuclear energy. No breakthrough is too specialized. No vision too ambitious.
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We'll review within 14 days and email you if there's interest.

Meanwhile, that Nobel Prize isn't going to win itself.
Back to the lab! ;)
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Leo Polovets
General Partner, Humba Ventures
Made my first investment into a company this week!
It's so awesome to see a ton of great deep tech founders and investors converging in one place.
Ian Rountree
General Partner, Cantos Ventures
*checks latest YC cohort*:
7-8 hard tech co's
*checks latest Deep Checks cohort*:
43 qualified hard-tech startups.
David Peterson
Partner, Angular Ventures
Another week, another stacked batch of startups coming through Deep Checks.
Truly some of the most exciting, highest signal companies I look at every week.